Managed funds net flows to 31 March 2023

Managed funds net flows to 31 March 2023

Report highlights - to 31 March 2023

  • The managed funds industry, consisting of open unlisted unit trusts and ETPs, represented in the Rainmaker Information database, had estimated net flows of negative $35 billion in the 12 months to end March 2023.
  • This represents a total loss of FUM due to net flows of 5%.
  • This was in sharp contrast with the 12 months to March 2022, which saw total net flows of positive $28 billion.
  • Unit trusts had negative net flows of -$45 billion and ETPs has positive net flows of $10 billion.
  • Three large managers accounted for $24 billion in negative net flows. These were First Sentier Investors (-$13 billion), Magellan Asset Management (-$6 billion) and Pendal Group (-$5 billion).

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Asset classes

  • Australian equities income focused products were the only sector that showed positive net flows over the 12 months with $437 million. This was a 140% increase on the previous 12 months net flows of $181 million.
  • The sector with the highest percentage decrease in FUM due to net flows was alternatives (down 14%) which lost nearly $2 billion in negative net flows.
  • International equities large cap had largest negative net flows, losing $7 billion in the latest 12 months, nearly double the negative net flows of the previous 12 months.


  • Of the 154 managers in the Rainmaker Information managed funds database, 64 had net inflows and 88 had net outflows over 12 months. 42% had positive net flows and 58% had negative net flows.
  • The median manager net inflow was $25 million and the median net outflow was $195 million.
  • Betashares had the highest net flow over 12 months with $3.2 billion As a percentage of FUM, this was an increase of 14%.
  • Macquarie was second with $2.6 billion, for an increase in FUM from flows of 7%.
  • First Sentier had the largest negative net flows over 12 months, losing $12.6 billion from its managed funds products. Four of its products lost more than $1 billion in net flows each.
Top 20 investment managers by net flows to May 2023


  • Out of 1,098 products in the sample, 42% had positive net flows and 58% had negative net flows over 12 months.
  • The median positive net flow was $14 million while the median negative net flow was $39 million.
  • The La Trobe Australian Credit Fund 12 Month Term Account had the highest 12-month net flow with $1.2 billion, for an increase in FUM of 21%, ending the year with FUM of $7.3 billion.
  • The product with the second highest inflows was the Macquarie Enhanced Australian Fixed Interest Fund with $1.1 billion in positive net flows
  • Fourteen products had negative net flows greater than $1 billion, with five of those having negative net flows greater than $2 billion.
  • The product with the greatest negative net flows was the Magellan Global Fund with $4.1 billion in net flows.