Whether you need insights into superannuation, funds management, economics, platforms or financial advice, Rainmaker's research reports all share the same fundamental approach.

Objective research


Each report is an independent source of data and information

Wealth management research

Breadth of research

Specialist data and research teams capture relevant information from across the wealth management landscape.

Financial advice, superannuation, investment data

Depth of data

Rainmaker Information has 30 years of industry research and experience to draw on.

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Our Reports
Institutional Roundup Report
Institutional Roundup Report

A quarterly analysis of Australia's institutional market, covering fund managers, super funds and investment consultants. The report reviews asset classes and market segments including ESG, indexing and boutique managers.

Financial Adviser Report
Financial Adviser Report

The report covers quarterly updates in the financial advice market, including changes in the ASIC Financial Advisers Register, movements of advisers and AFSLs as well as insights into adviser product authorisations.

Wholesale Advantage Report
Wholesale Advantage Report

The quarterly report explores the wholesale investment market, covering FUM and market share across platforms and managed accounts, investment vehicles, wholesale investment managers, super funds and investment consultants.

Superannuation Benchmarking Report
Super Benchmarking Report

A quarterly review of Australia's superannuation market, which analyses performance and market share by asset class, membership and FUM, and includes research features reviewing fees, insurance, ESG and more.

Mandate Chaser Report institutional
Mandate Chaser Report

A quarterly report designed for institutional fund managers to 'chase' potential mandate opportunities. Mandates are analysed by who is awarding them, which asset consultants are used and within which asset classes.

Exchange Traded Products report ETFs
Exchange Traded Products Report

A quarterly report for Exchange Traded Product and index providers, market makers and wealth groups who need to monitor FUM, netflows, fee revenue and market shares of the sector as a whole or across individual ETPs.

Vantage Point Economic Chart Packs
Vantage Point - Chart Packs Report

The monthly chart packs contain investment outlooks and two packs of curated charts and benchmark tables, covering investment markets and macroeconomic data.

Vantage Point Investment Briefs Report
Vantage Point - Investment Briefs Report

The quarterly investment briefs provides a focused and insightful view on investment and economic issues across asset classes and in major economic markets.

Wholesale Managed Funds Performance Tables
Wholesale Managed Funds Performance Tables

Monthly performance tables of wholesale managed funds, including top 50 performance tables for all major asset classes, categories and custom property indices.

RMetrics Equities managed funds risk-adjusted returns
RMetrics - Equities Performance Tables

A quarterly report analysing risk-adjusted returns of Australian and international equities managed funds. The analyses decomposes performance, volatility and risk metrics to identify the most efficient investment products.

Superannuation performance tables report
Superannuation Performance Tables

Monthly performance tables for workplace, personal and retirement superannuation products. The reports include benchmark indices and top 50 performance tables for all investment option categories offered to members.

RMetrics Worksuper Super risk-adjusted returns
RMetrics - Workplace Super Report

An annual report analysing risk-adjusted returns of workplace super products. The analyses decomposes performance, volatility and risk metrics to identify the most efficient investment options, including MySuper.

Wholesale Managed Fund Net Flows
Managed Fund Net Flows

Assesses the net effect of all inflows and outflows among the Rainmaker universe of wholesale funds, reviewing net flow metrics for each investment manager, asset class and product.

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